Monday, September 3, 2012

Recommended Site: Get Rewarded for what you do already!

Do you read e-mails? Do you shop online? Would you like a little reward for your time and money?

I have been a My Points member since 2005 and have loved the experience from the very beginning. Unlike other reward programs, with My Points you have no obligation to make purchases. While I do shop through their link ups to many of the sites I already frequented and get the bonus points, most of my earning comes from clicking on a few e-mails a day. Over the years I've earned gift cards to Borders (I miss you!), Walmart, Target and my recent fave- gas stations.

The e-mails are not overwhelming, I have never noticed an increase in spam and you can customize your experience. Special offers and discounts are made available to you by e-mail and website. You can even print grocery store coupons and earn points for using them. Quick point opportunities are available on the website and there are frequent, fun promotions.

The only downside I have found to the program is when redeeming rewards. I personally like to enter a point range and see everything I could earn within that range pop up. The My Points system does not allow for ranges. You can scroll through all rewards to find one that matches the points burning a hole in your virtual pocket, or you can choose by category and find something you know you'll love. There are gift cards to big name stores, specialty boutiques, restaurants, gas stations, even for charitable donations. My Points now even offers the chance to convert points into cash, deposited into your PayPal account.

The best part of the program? It's free to join! Check it out today at . Tell them Holly sent you!